Each new litter, even if homes are found for some, mean more cats and dogs are killed.

The real tragedy is that there is a simple solution - spaying and neutering companion animals.
Not only will spayed and neutered animals not reproduce and add to the overpoulation problem, but they will live healthier lives and be better companions.
If you think just one litter won't matter, consider this: One unspayed female cat having just four kittens a year and just two females per litter,
can be the cause of over 10,000 kittens being born over the next seven years.
If you think it is important for children to experience the miracle of birth, consider the tragedy of death- would you want children to see animals killed?!

Help save lives - have your companion animals spayed or neutered! If you know people with intact dogs or cats,
help educate them so they will have choose to have their dogs and cats spayed or neutered.