cat fabYes!  Because we feel every cat should feel fabulous and be the show cat of his or her own world!

First, let's debunk the myth that cats do not need grooming.  For one, they groom themselves, which leads to hairballs getting ingested.  This has and can cause severe blockage in their digestive tracts, either causing death if the hairball cannot break down, or surgery to remove. 
Neither one of those options are beneficial, therefore, good deshedding and combing is best to keep your feline's coat free of shedding fur. 
There are products out there for this very thing, but there is always a good cat groomer available for your cat!

brushing cat
Nails - so many people think that nail trimming is not needed.  While many cats can sheath their outer nails with scratching posts, this is to release phermones, which makes them feel good.  However, it is not the same as trimmimg them.  Like us, that is growing cartilidge, and it always grows.
As your kitty ages, the nails become thicker, and most cats cannot keep up with the sheathing process like they did when they were younger.
Whether young or old, the nails can grow in a curve and grow right into your kitty's pawpad without you ever knowing. 
This can be painful, and even cause your kitty to walk less, only as needed, because it hurts.  Always know the condition of your kitty's nails.
If you have a hard time with nail trimming, we are here to help!

soft paws         soft paws demo

We also offer nail cap applications, which is a good alternative for anyone wanting to declaw their cats!  Please do not declaw!
Instead, invest in a positive way to treat your baby, withour risking their future health.
We use Soft Paws and have a variety of colors for your fancy feline!

The bath!
This is a very brave move but can be done.  Cats collect oils, and dirt sticks to it in their fur.  When they lick themselves, they ingest all of this along with loose fur.  We've discussed fur ingestion is dangerous, but even what is in their fur can be harmful, and unpleasant.  This is where the bath comes in handy.  If cats are handled and bathed at a young age, they consider this normal.  When not, then there is some work to do.  While I do not yet feel confident with offering this service to everyone, I am on my way to be your cat fabulous kitty groomer! 
Added to that, with certification, I will also be offering the shave!  Lion Cuts, belly shaves, sani shaves, comb cuts, and the sort.  I
am simply going through a very good program to get the know how from the best before I go all-in with offering bathing and shaving.

groomed cat       ncgi logo

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See our Online Store (Donation tab) to get some of your very own Chubbs bars!  These organic pet shampoo bars are great quality and get the job done in less time and at less cost!  Great for dogs too!